Anne of Green Gables Nestled amidst the rolling hills and picturesque landscapes of Prince Edward Island, Canada, a heartwarming...
The Jungle Book Deep within the lush jungles of Seeonee, a place teeming with ancient trees and vibrant creatures, a...
The Wizard of Oz (Short Story) Once upon a time in a small, dusty Kansas farm, there lived a young orphan named Dorothy. She lived...
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (Story) In the bustling and exotic city of Agrabah, where marketplaces brimmed with colorful wares and Arabian...
Pinocchio (Story) In a quaint Italian village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a kind and elderly woodcarver named...
The Ugly Duckling (Story) In a peaceful and picturesque farmyard, nestled beside a tranquil pond, there lived a mother duck. She...