Where the Wild Things Are In Maurice Sendak's beloved children's book "Where the Wild Things Are," we meet a young boy named Max...
The Polar Express The story begins with a young boy who is skeptical about the existence of Santa Claus. On a snowy Christmas...
The Worst Princess Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a princess named Penelope. She was not your typical...
The Gruffalo Once upon a time, in the heart of a dense forest, lived a clever little mouse. Despite being small in...
Peter Pan (Short Story) In the heart of London, within the charming nursery of the Darling family, a magical tale unfolds. Meet...
The Arabian Nights (Short Story) In the heart of ancient Arabia, there was a legendary collection of tales known as "One Thousand and...
The Wizard of Oz (Short Story) Once upon a time in a small, dusty Kansas farm, there lived a young orphan named Dorothy. She lived...
Tom Thumb (Short Story) In a quaint and cozy cottage nestled deep within a dense forest, there lived a humble woodcutter and...
Jack and the Beanstalk (Story) Once upon a time, in a small and humble cottage, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was a kind-hearted...
The Little Mermaid (Story) Once upon a time, in the depths of the deep blue sea, lived a beautiful young mermaid named Ariel. She...
Puss in Boots (Story) In a quaint little village, there lived a clever and resourceful cat named Puss. Despite his small stature,...
Thumbelina (Story) In a quaint and picturesque meadow, nestled among fragrant flowers, there lived a tiny, delicate girl...