The Wizard of Oz (Short Story) Once upon a time in a small, dusty Kansas farm, there lived a young orphan named Dorothy. She lived...
The Lion and the Mouse (Story) In the heart of a vast and lush jungle, a mighty lion ruled as the undisputed king of the animal kingdom....
The Snow Queen (Story) In the kingdom where "The Snow Queen" unfolds, winter reigned year-round, and the people had grown accustomed...
Thumbelina (Story) In a quaint and picturesque meadow, nestled among fragrant flowers, there lived a tiny, delicate girl...
Fur and Feathers Once upon a time, a farmer owned a hen who laid an egg every day. The farmer was content with the hen's...
Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed "Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed" is one of the fascinating tales from "The Mabinogion," the collection of Welsh...
“The Velveteen Rabbit” ni Margery Williams (TAGALOG) Noong isang araw, mayroong isang Velveteen Rabbit. Ito ay napakakinis at napakalambot, at talagang maganda....